Susannes Närproducerade Lamm

Locally produced lamb and veal

For me, the most important thing is that the animals have a good life here on the farm. They are born here in paradise and should not have to be exposed to stress at the end either. That's why I distance myself from large slaughterhouses and prefer to drive them by horse-drawn carriage to a local slaughterhouse that I trust and know that everything goes smoothly. They are slaughtered the same morning I arrive with the animals and do not mix with other herds but remain in their small group. A week later I pick up the meat. Then it is cut, vacuum packed and labelled.

Kalvköttet är anatomiskt styckat med en blandning av olika detaljer som tex. ryggbiff, högrev, innerlår och färs. Köttet är benfritt förutom kalvläggen som är huvudingrediensen i den klassiska maträtten osso buco. Kalvlådorna väger mellan 15-20 kg och kostar 229 kr/kg inklusive hemleverans inom 50 km från Ljungby. Just nu finns det inga hela kalvlådor att köpa men enstaka delar finns tillgängliga i frysen!

Nästa gång det ges möjlighet att beställa lammkött blir till hösten 2025 och hur det ska styckas bestämmer ni själva. Det finns olika alternativ men det mest vanliga brukar vara att göra kotletter av hela ryggen alternativt 1/2 sadel och racks. Priset ligger på SEK 188,-/ kg och här är det slaktvikten som räknas. Ett lamm brukar väga ca. 16-25 kg. Just nu finns det inga hela lammlådor att köpa men enstaka delar finns tillgängliga i frysen!

Lambskin from my Gotland sheep

A lambskin costs between SEK 1500 - 2200. depending on the lids and size. I sell on e.g. Heard Christmas market, Lagandagen in September every year and at the Lingonrundan.

Preparation of the lambskin

I salt the skins after slaughter and then drive them to Tranås, where they are prepared in Tranås' skin preparation plant. For me, it is important that they are prepared in Sweden, even if the preparation itself is more expensive. The process itself usually takes quite a long time, so I usually try to be a year ahead. The skins are washable. It's nice to always have a small supply of lambskin, in case someone comes by the farm and wants to buy a skin.

If you want me to post pictures of the different skins, that's fine and you can pay via swish and I can also deliver the skin if it's not too far away.

Upcoming markets:

Heard Christmas Market November 2024.

Lamb skin and lamb meat from locally produced animals

For the preparation of the skins, I hire Tranås Skinnberederi because of their long experience and solid knowledge. Leather preparation and tanning require skill, care and feeling for the material and I think they show that they have.

When slaughtering, I hire Sjunkaröd Skånska Kött & Vilt because I trust them and the customers are satisfied with the meat and having it delivered vacuum-packed and labeled. Sunkaröd makes high demands on ethics and quality in everything from handling the animals to the finished product. A good breeding of the animals, calm and dignified handling and a stress-free slaughter are important points, thus a natural choice for you who are aware.